Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Thinking About Possessions (or Belongings)

Last month in Greek class, we learned the term for possessions (or belongings - whatever that difference may be). This month, as I pass by shop windows and begin to pack my own belongings in preparation for returning to Evanston, I think how pointless all this stuff seems. Thinking of the countless people who have lost their possessions in the wake of Katrina, the accumulation of things sends me spinning into such sadness,and its force surprises me.

Yesterday, I purchased two bags of personal hygiene items and dropped them off at the spiritual care department of our hospital, where I had volunteered before entering seminary. This helped balance me for about 30 minutes.

At John's mom's funeral, the presider announced that, in the giving spirit of Ruth Horn, all memorials in her name would go toward hurricane victim relief. This helped too. Yet I continue to feel such deep loss for those whom we'll never know.

It was good to be with so much family last weekend. 13 out of 14 of Ruth's grandchildren were there, all except the one living in South Africa. I've lost count of all the great grandchildren!

It's good to be back, though now I'm on the verge of leaving. I've gotta be crazy, electing to live apart from my dearest one. Oh, whine, whine, whine! At least this is temporary!


Blogger Susie/Nueva Cantora said...

Isn't that an interesting circle? You aren't alone in feeling how all our stuff is so pointless... but then again, if its all so pointless, then why do we feel so deeply for those who have lost it? I think our stuff matters - its all part of our incarnated being - and what we do with it, how we value it, and what we collect says a good deal about us.

5:28 PM  
Blogger Raisin said...

As usual, Susie, you offer much wisdom. I'll have to put you on speed-dial when I'm away from seminary...

9:24 AM  

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