Monday, October 03, 2005

Our bishop is here

With only fifteen minutes to spare, Alan, bishop of Iowa, arrived last night to ordain Tim to the priesthood. Within minutes, he was in the processional line, as good-humored, humble and present as always.

Alan has just returned from the House of Bishops meeting in Puerto Rico, made several congregational visits, and is here with his three seminarians till Wednesday, when he flies to Brechin. When I expressed gratitude that he carved out these days for us, Alan said, "It's important to me to spend time with you." Today, he's taking Mitch, Beth and me to lunch at The Celtic Knot, and then meeting with us individually for as long as we need.

I do know that we are blessed. I knew this keenly when my bishop placed communion bread into my palm, squeezing my hand as his eyes welled up with emotion. It's a treat to accompany him today as we worship in the chapel.


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