Monday, May 18, 2009

It wasn't just coffee

Graduation weekend is over at the University of Iowa. One of the students from the highly competitive Iowa Writers' Workshop who spent Sundays at our parish during the past two years wanted to meet for coffee before she left town.

Before we finished our coffee, she handed me a gift: her MFA thesis, in which she ends her acknowledgement page by thanking me for support during her time in the rigorous program. I've received thank-you notes from students and always felt very grateful for them. Today, though, was a first. It's humbling. And I've been handed a gift of words!


Blogger Castanea_d said...

That is really cool. She has been a fine person to have around the parish these past few years, and we will miss her.

It seems to me that this sort of thing is your Vocation in this place; helping students, one by one, make it through what can be a difficult time.

4:33 PM  

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