Thursday, June 12, 2008

Please send an ark

On Tuesday, the headline in The Daily Iowan, Iowa City's independent newspaper, read "Hell and High Water." That was two days ago, and the rain hasn't stopped. Today in eastern Iowa, we've had blinding rain, hail, tornado warnings, rising river levels, continuing road closures and mandatory evacuations of homes and businesses.

We're okay at home, but conditions are far worse nearby, with major power outages and record-breaking flooding. Had I gone to Iowa City today, I would not have gotten home: a portion of Interstate-80 is closed because the Cedar River has flooded the roadway. I felt guilty for not venturing in to work, and spent a portion of the day writing my lengthy report for the annual Diocesan Journal (zzzzz).

Tonight's storm has even unnerved the dog. I distracted her by tuning up my viola (after not playing since 2001!) and playing through all the hymns in my head till my fingertips hurt. "All my hope on God is founded" was first and last. God almighty, it's good to play again.

I think that if we had to vacate the house suddenly, I'd want my hymnal. What does that say about my Dork score?

The people in Iowa need your prayers -- lots and lots of them.


Blogger Rev. Jane Austen said...

My Davenport brother came to our son's wedding in Hilton Head after bailing in his basement for several hours. They are on the hill too but the groundwater is at such a saturation point that there seems to be no stopping it. His daughter Elizabeth is in the National Guard and has not been getting much sleep. I am sure Maggie found the viola hymns very comforting!

6:48 PM  

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